
I’d planned to surprise the Baron by putting up several posts today, but the Karma Dude had other ideas. Whadda joker he is…

In addition to living sans air conditioning in this wilting 96 F degree heat (supposed to be 100 tomorrow and for many days running), plus a non-working webmail page for hours (spam storm perhaps?), the final straw was the sudden onset of a full-blown and severe gastric attack. I don’t know what causes them, but the more severe ones leave me feeling drained for a right good while. They come, they go – assisted out the door by acid blockers and Bentyl and Pepto-Bismol. Perhaps my old h. pylori ulcer has returned? It was an awful six hours but it's over. As Isaak Dinesen said, there are only three ways we really know happiness and one of them is the euphoria that arrives when pain recedes. Ah, yes, definitely an animal pleasure.

At any rate, I apologize for the silence. I had several things in the hopper about Germany and Norway, but the news in the U.S. is big today, at least as far as Americans are concerned.

Definitely nothing to do with foreign policy - unless you count the fact that our government failed to tell the sovereign nation of Mexico about our swell plan to run thousands of guns down there in an on-going effort to break out with gun control laws here. We have only to look at Chicago, where owning guns isn't legal to know the consequences of that scheme.

I will deal with that tomorrow, health willing and electricity running. I say that because we were without any power for some houts on Wednesday. Never did find out why but I suspect these new, consumer-unfriendly 'sustainable' fuels are going to make our connectivity less reliable. Oh well, we can't say Obama didn't warn us he was determined to kill fossil fuels. A foolish man whose bright ideas are making life worse for us all. Though not for him, of course.

Meanwhile, thanks for your patience.

Oh, wait. Tomorrow is already here. Sharp pain does that - one loses track in the transitions. So that is amended: I will deal with our Attorney General later on today.

Stay cool, y'all.

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