Update: This post was originally published on August 6. It has been made “sticky” to keep it at the top. Scroll down for more recent posts, including last night’s news feed, a cop-killing in Madrid, more on the Spanish Al Qaeda terrorists, an interview with Terry Jones, and the text of Alexandre del Valle’s speech in Brussels.

The essay below is the sixth in a series by Takuan Seiyo. See the list at the bottom of this post for links to the previous installments.

Left: Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Dance at Le Moulin de la Galette, 1876
Right: George Grosz, Metropolis, 1916/17
The Bee and the Lamb
Part 6
By Takuan Seiyo
Embracing doubt once embraced
It is hard to see in history the thumbprints of the particular God of the Jews or the Redeemer of the Christian faithful. Some patterns that may be discerned over very long cycles are easier to explain as a play of the cosmic forces first intuited from Nature by the Chinese than as signs of a sentient deity refereeing the affairs of men.
But there are two exceptions. The chosenness of the Jews for every calamity that history may have in store for a people, and their survival for nearly 4000 years in order to enmesh themselves in new calamities — Socialism, “Civil Rights” [i.e. reverse racism] and Multiculti Suicide-by-Immigration portending the latest — cannot be easily explained by any random or impersonal forces. And there is only one more such extravagantly outlying phenomenon in all of history: America’s Founding Fathers.
The chance that a Washington and a Jefferson, a Franklin and a Madison, a Hancock, Henry, Wilson, Morris (Robert) and Morris (Gouverneur), Adams (Samuel) and Adams (John) and dozens of others be all in the same generation, in the same patch of land, hugely defies the odds, as any student of the distribution of human stupidity and baseness across time and space may confirm. A group of flawed men yet with such virtue, courage and intelligence as led America to independence, produced the singular Declaration and won a war with a ragtag yeoman army against the premier military power of the age, never existed before or since[1]. When one adds that the foreigners who made a major contribution to the effort — names like Lafayette, Rochambeau, Kosciuszko and Pulaski -- were of the highest, noblest, most valorous kind that their native lands have ever produced, the uniqueness of this anomaly becomes even more apparent.
To talk of their commonly shared virtue would inevitably lead to a gushing stream ever so depressing in comparison to the cesspool of pulverizing madness, mediocrity, stupidity and corruption engulfing us now. But one ought to at least brush by greatness, via Washington’s eulogy by General Henry Lee III before the two Houses of Congress on December 26, 1799. Here is some of what Lee said about his commander in the Revolutionary War and, later, President:
The far-spreading empire will not last much longer, love of virtue has already ceased on Earth, and chaos is coming. Washington is but a devalued face on the $1 bill that will soon buy what the dime does now. But perhaps in some indeterminable future he will regain the popular admiration now accorded The One We Have Been Waiting For. Perhaps the key to regeneration will be found by adopting the beliefs and values that animated Washington and his peers, excepting such then-intractable peculiarities as slavery and the state of science and technology of an earlier age.
The Christian faith and reasoned personal philosophy of the Founders comprised religion reconciled with reason, revealed dogma tempered by empirical validation, traditional social elitism coexisting with republican liberty, American exceptionalism side by side with Europhile ecumenism, Anglo-Saxon civic culture fused to Roman personal virtue and Greek love of beauty and wisdom. They all kept Bibles on their night stands but mostly were not too keen on clergy or theology, spoke and wrote of Nature’s God, believed in moral consequences that flow from that belief, and called their honor “sacred.” Moreover they were a true elite: mostly landed gentry in all but name except for a few high burghers like Franklin and Adams, and in cognitive aptitude not in the top 10% like the current elite, but in the top 0.5%. Yet, they led lives of service to their lessers, in republican kinship and spirit of noblesse oblige[2].
Washington and Franklin were both prominent Freemasons and Deists. Hancock, Revere and Henry were active Masons, with some evidence that Jefferson, Madison and Robert Morris were too. Jefferson, Madison, Ethan Allen and others were Deists, but all that did not imply hostility to Christianity. Almost all these men were churchgoing Anglican/ Episcopalian or Presbyterian/Congregationalist, yet they were also stalwarts of the Age of Reason who had unpacked from Christianity, at least for their own consumption, the tinfoil, goldfoil, alchemy (transfiguration), purchase incentives and penalties for withdrawal, as had their philosopher-teachers of the English and Scottish Enlightenment and, in Jefferson’s case, the French too.
Deism, a religious philosophy that has early Greek antecedents and that flourished in late 17th century England and mid-18th century America, was a reason-based creedal system that inferred the truth about God and man from Nature. It is generally posited that Deists rejected the God of the Bible and all organized religion as such, but that is not quite so. Theirs was an American amalgam “distinctly Christian both in tone and deed,” as Herbert M. Morais stated in one of the few authoritative works on this subject[3]. Such Christian Deism manifested also in Europe, for instance in the German poetry of Friedrich Hölderlin, an alumnus of a Lutheran seminary and, like the Estonian poet with whom we began this exploration, a romantic whose tragic love ended with a long journey on foot and then years of quiet madness in seclusion, followed by oblivion that decades after his death turned to fame and popular reverence.
Perhaps Gregg Frazer’s notion of “theistic rationalism” comes closest to capturing the unique and currently extinct flavor of the Founding Fathers’ faith. Frazer, professor of history at Master’s College, lists Gouverneur Morris, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and James Wilson among the rational theists: neither Deist nor by-the-book Christian, but each with a personal blend of natural religion, Protestant Christianity, and rationalism.
“For theistic rationalists,” writes Frazer in “Gouverneur Morris, Theistic Rationalist”, “reason determined what should be accepted as revelation from God. Unlike deists, theistic rationalists accepted the notion of revelation from God; unlike Christians, they felt free to pick apart the Bible and to consider only the parts which they determined to be rational to be legitimate divine revelation. They similarly felt free to define God according to the dictates of their own reason and to reject Christian doctrines which did not seem to them to be rational.”
Gouverneur Morris (1752 —1816), the main subject of Frazer’s paper, was one of the most brilliant members of this brilliant group of America’s founders, and perhaps principal among the authors of its Constitution. An aristocratic elitist and regular Episcopalian for social more than religious reasons, Morris disdained the superstitions of Catholicism and the harshness of Calvinism — a disdain probably reciprocated, given Morris’s reputation as a prolific, intercontinental fornicator. He nevertheless worked tirelessly for tolerance among the various Christian creeds, particularly in opposing various anti-Catholic measures in his state of New York. He disdained pacifism but defended the Quakers’ right to follow their conscience and opposed religious tests for public office.
Frazer has found 40 references to God in Morris’s writings, but only two to Jesus. This parallels other Theistic Rationalists and Deists. They lived too close in time to the rivers of blood spilled in Europe’s Thirty Year’s War in the name of the Prince of Peace. Although that war had ended in 1648, the strife between Catholics and Protestants continued. Besides, the tale of that war’s horrors was an immigrant grandfather’s yarn that many a mid-18th century American heard while growing up. Revulsion had set in.
George Washington, famously, though attending Sunday service at Christ Church when in Philadelphia, did not take communion and was never known to kneel except in the field, in solitary prayer before battle. But Franklin’s spiritual makeup may be more indicative, because he was more the quintessential, self-made American than the patrician Washington. From failed printer’s apprentice Franklin rose to wealthy tradesman, wise godfather of Philadelphia, founding father of the United States, the toast of France’s high society, prolific author, and a creative genius so astonishing that just to list his discoveries, inventions, new civic and social institutions sprung from his eyebrow, books and essays and the major events he greatly influenced takes up a catalog.
Franklin chafed under the Puritan atmosphere of his native city and parental home, became a Deist early on and later one of colonial America’s most prominent Masons. He described his lukewarm sentiment toward Christianity in his Autobiography, among others as "I have found Christian dogma unintelligible. Early in life I absented myself from Christian assemblies." Yet, in several places in his writings he affirmed his fate in God, Creator of the Universe, and his “Articles of Belief and Acts of Religion” includes a long prayer that wouldn’t be out of place in a church hymnal.
Even those who remained traditional and unwavering Christians preserved deep fraternal bonds with those who were not. Robert Morris, then the second most powerful man in America, was brother-in-law of the Rector of Christ Church, Bishop William White. Yet Morris was a close ally of the Mason-Deist Founding Fathers, labored to overturn Pennsylvania’s religious test laws, and was friend and patron of the Jewish co-financier (with Morris himself) of the Revolutionary War, Haym Solomon.
John Witherspoon, a Scottish Presbyterian minister and a signatory of the Declaration of Independence, stressed that his own opposition to “sacerdotal tyranny” had led him to support religious freedom. Samuel Adams, called “Last of the Puritans,” was a strict-by-the-book fundamentalist Christian, much given to prayer and Bible devotion, yet he was a close associate of Freemasons like Hancock and Revere. His polemical exchange of letters with Thomas Paine
about the nature of God and proper Christianity shows the opposite poles of religious attitudes of these men united by a limited but specifically Christian common denominator for a common cause.
It was Samuel Adams who defined that common denominator in 1772, in words later reverberating in the Declaration of Independence. In “The Rights of the Colonists; The Report of the Committee of Correspondence to the Boston Town Meeting”, he opened the first section with the words:
… and ended with:
The basic problem of Western man is that he has renounced freedom, and the other natural rights — the unalienable gift from God — because he has renounced God: the God of Nature that was a living presence for the Founders, enshrined in the Declaration of Independence. And with that surrender, he has vacated the necessary conditions for individual and societal survival.
Nature is about survival. A natural right to property cannot be inferred directly from the Gospels[4]. It can only be inferred by deducing principles from Nature’s ways and ends, and seeing Biblical God’s intent in them. In contrast, a right to life cannot be inferred from Nature, but only from the precepts articulated by Jesus Christ. Somehow, American Christianity until the end of the 19th century managed to combine the two inputs. But since then, increasingly, Christianity has lost its interest in the God of Nature, and the wisdom that inheres in Nature.
The Church — all churches but the kookiest white supremacist ones — has only three interests now. The first is postmodern socialism: the constant banging about social justice, racial justice, environmental justice, economic justice, peace, loving our brothers and sisters of the back culture or back entry, cringing, yielding and folding before the agents of entropy and barbarism. The second is temporal power. The third is the maintenance and cultivation of the fundamentalist reading of the Biblical canon, the orthodoxies of the Nicene Creed and, especially for Catholics, various ritualistic superstitions —all of which were rejected already 250 years ago by the one generation in history in which the hand of God may most clearly be discerned.
Something has gone wrong with a Christianity that confers no immunity on its adherents against transcendence-denying lunacy flowing from the secular, hostile Western elite through its tools of utopian globalist treason, pincer looting by White banksters on one side and favored racial minorities on the other, demographic sabotage via immigration, subversion of traditional morality, mockery of God’s Nature via unnatural but enshrined gender, sex and procreation practices, and metastasized state outlays and power to ram all that down the throat of the deselected white race in its quasi-Christian homelands.
The Ultimate Blasphemy
Systemic lying about Reality is the ultimate Blasphemy. It is a mortal offense against the Order of the Universe or, for the believer, God. Reality is how God manifests. It's what God does for a living.
When a society lies about the basic nature of man, and the rules by which a community of people may be wholesomely constructed, and about the true nature of its government and its laws, and about basic economic truths, and it lies further about its own history and the history of other peoples, and it lies by elevating the purported goodness of the savage and poor versus its own self-imputed badness, and it lies about the miserable outcome of its practice of all those lies, and it brings up its young to believe in those lies, and consistently persecutes those who challenge the lies — that is an aggravated blasphemy.
It makes no difference if God may be more correctly described using Norbert Wiener’s concepts of a self-correcting homeostatic feedback loop than by using the concepts of the Bible. It makes no difference if the consequence of massive, systemic blasphemy is Yahweh lashing out in outrage, or the cosmic recursive loop twisting violently to crush the toxic barnacles and so restore its own balance. What matters is that a mortal offense against Reality has its consequence, mort (i.e. death), hitched inseparably to the transgression.
The apocalypse toward which the West is hurtling is not in some future twitch of the divine scepter. It has begun everywhere, now, in human reality. Though it may take from one to ten decades before the big cave-in, the walls are quaking — all of them, now, as they have been since the 1980s[5]. There are several biogenic crises coasting toward their exponential phase. With Earth’s population projected at 10 billion in 2100, the computational wizard Stephen Emmott plugs that into models that show a resulting pollution of the atmosphere and the sea, raising temperatures, loss of biodiversity and, ultimately a destruction of what Emmott calls “Earth’s life support systems.” Kaput, y’all.
It’s no laughing matter, either. All the anthropogenic global warming hoax on one scale and, on the other, a visit to the soot-spewing industrial Chinese or Indian hinterland, or to an African forest stripped bare for food and tinder, and one has to tip the scale for the pessimists. The question is what to do about it.
The unhinged Green Left and bleeding heart Christians see the answer in an economic and industrial self-evisceration of the West. That includes Emmott and the various Oxbridge/Ivy League crypto-Marxists thick on the ground in Brussels and surrounding B. Hussein Obama in Washington. They care little about the fate of the Pacific smelt. What they do care about is that America be cut at the knees, in every possible way, along with other colonialist, imperialist, racist whitey, and that the resulting “savings” be transferred to the “historically exploited.”
With practically all the population and ecology problems situated in Third World countries, and the solutions being sought in First World countries, it’s the social and ideological malignancies in the West that have to be resolved, before the biogenic ones can be, elsewhere. There are now at least eighteen synchronized wave-patterns of such socio-cultural malignancies:
But it’s not the earthquake that matters. What matters is that when the successive seismic waves hit, the foundation of the edifice was revealed — and it was made of jelly, of lies pumped into the substrata by the ruling elites for 50 years, gradually replacing the concrete rebar that used to be there.
No massage of words, concepts and even numbers known to the Stalin-era editors of Pravda (e.g. Nikolai Bukharin) has been lost on the leadership caste of the officially democratic West. Islam is the Religion of Peace. The global war is “against Terror.” Putting the Muslim Brotherhood in power across North Africa is “Arab Spring.” Diversity is Strength. Voting for lower taxes is “Racism.” Stealing the savings and fixed income of America’s middle class is “Quantitative Easing.” Shipping their jobs to China is “The Service Economy.” Morgan Freeman is POTUS-for-life except when he is God, or when Will Smith saves Planet Earth or Demi Moore leads Navy SEALs in combat. No Child Left Behind. Obama will bring us together.
Moreover, the blatant contempt for Reality, for Nature — and therefore for God — has continued despite recurring catastrophic results, for decades. When revealed, the swaths of self-wrought destruction are merely papered over with more lies, and the game continues. It’s as though the Eveready bunny at the top is waddling with its tin drum, and it won’t stop until the battery runs out.
The battery will run out, with large consequences for the future of mankind. Indeed, observing Western society in its throes is like looking at a poor little ant, its head torn off, the body staggering in circles, trying to make sense of Reality without the organ it needs for perceiving it. This can be perhaps more readily understood in the context of a simple life and death situation: war.
NATO soldiers are running around Kandahar looking for terrorists and vying for the “courageous restraint” award that can be won by not firing their weapons when their lives are at risk. And that’s after their commanders have doubled that risk by forcing them to patrol enemy territory with unloaded weapons. Meanwhile, NATO governments import the cousins of the terrorists whom NATO soldiers may not shoot, so that they can rape and blow up the soldiers’ kin back home.
Behold, furthermore, the latest soft-cone projectiles in America’s combat arsenal. Already in June 1991, Marine General Robert H. Barrow implored the U.S. Senate not to push women into combat roles. He laid out the plain truth that there is no military need for women in combat, and combat is not about achieving equality but killing effectively. He outlined the disastrous hobbling of that effectiveness that the admission of women would entail. All for naught, as America’s ruling elite has no interest in such mundane trifles as what makes soldiers prevail in the carnage of combat. If Obama is re-elected, relays a new book by Aaron Klein, Fool Me Twice, the U.S. military is to be transformed into a social work organization deployed to combat “global warming,” global poverty and “injustice,” and to serve as an arm of the United Nations.
Consider the self-evident rubbish of the “strength in diversity” bromide. It would take 35 years of this miserable mental masturbation until Angela Merkel announced in 2010 that multiculturalism had failed in Germany, followed by such statements from Nicolas Sarkozy in France and David Cameron in Great Britain. And still, “diversity” and its enforcement continues to be a paramount goal of the European Commission and “United in Diversity” is still the motto of the European Union. All that when historical evidence shows dozens of nations that crumbled because of diversity: from Assyria to Austro-Hungary, from Cyprus to Czechoslovakia, from Rome to Rwanda.
In the United States, every cog and wheel of the government and of corporate and public institutions turns to further “diversity,” every day. “President Obama Signs Executive Order to Promote Diversity and Inclusion in the Federal Workforce, Initiative designed to draw on the talents of all parts of our society” reads one agitprop from a stream of nouveau Marxist hooey that emanates daily from every government office in the land. But parts of society don’t have talents. Individuals have talents, and talented individuals are assiduously cultivated, scouted, helped and promoted in America already -- especially if they come from parts of society that were subject to past discrimination.
Something else is happening here. The rulers are not rewarding talent but membership in favored identity groups, primarily black, brown and female. To tweak just slightly Karl Marx’s central idea, the Diversity/Inclusion gambit changes society’s pattern from “Each employed according to his ability” to “Each favored minority person employed according to his need.” However, packing the state apparatus with favored minority groups is not an innocent exercise in “diversity” but a suicidal hobble in an international reality where the race goes to the ablest, in everything. It is, ultimately, a mortal offense, a recipe for failure and erasure from the pages of history.

Illustration from a 1942 comic book, Is This Tomorrow: America Under Communism, projecting how easy it would be for the Soviets to take over the United States [more panels here. The Bolsheviks are kaput, but the Far Left took over anyway.
Consider geopolitics. Already in 1993, Harvard historian Samuel Huntington published and article in Foreign Affairs that he later expanded into a widely read book issued in 1996, Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order. Among others, Huntington argued that profound cultural differences doom to failure any attempts of the West to export its values and political structures to the East.
Now, even if that half of Washington D.C. that matters had not read the book, everybody who is anybody in U.S. foreign relations reads Foreign Affairs. Yet America’s foreign policy establishment continues in its prolonged effort to impose democracy in Muslim lands in North Africa and elsewhere, with the consequence of boosting totalitarian and hostile Islam. Obstinately clueless, America is likewise committed to making laughingstock of itself by sending a succession of female emissaries to Muslim lands: Madeleine Albright, Condoleezza Rice, Karen Hughes, Hillary Clinton. The latter has been greeted recently in Egypt with crowds chanting “Monica, Monica” and pelting Madam Secretary with shoes and tomatoes[6].
A tide of lies has drowned everything. Government unemployment figures exclude the permanently unemployed. Government core inflation figures exclude the cost of food and energy. GNP “growth” figures treat government output the same as private sector output, and the porn industry the same as the steel industry. M3, the broadest indicator of money supply, is no longer reported by the U.S. Fed, because it indicates the explosion in money supply too well. Obamacare is touted before the law’s passage as a great saving for America’s middle class, but admitted as picking their pockets after the law’s passage[7]. Photos and video footage of violent criminals in Scandinavia are photoshopped to disguise the brown skin tones and facial features of the perps. The Los Angeles Times’ crime section now reports the victims’ personal details instead of the criminals’ — the old way of reporting yielding results that were, shall we say, too racist. The most prestigious names on Wall Street and in the City (London) have engaged for decades in the biggest fraud of all time by consistently mispricing and misrepresenting risk and its bearing on the value of their transactions. The entire Western educational establishment has bamboozled generations of it students with lies that race is a social construct, we are all born an equal tabula rasa, Whites are uniquely wicked, and it’s only their racism and selfishness that has prevented some from reaching their “full” (and equal) potential.
Things get really interesting when you start crossing the threads of dysfunction. Writing in her blog on July 9th about the second mega-fraud in the commodities and foreign currency brokerage business — the theft of at least $220 million of customers’ funds on deposit at PFGBest nine months after disclosure of $1.5 billion missing from John Corzine’s MF Global — Ann Barnhardt, a pro in this business, described the U.S. regulatory system overseeing the futures industry as “an evil, despicable mafia, administered by politicking psychopaths on the take, and staffed by affirmative action hires to provide plausible deniability.”
“The NFA, CFTC, SEC and the CME,” wrote Barnhardt, “are lying, thieving psychopathic criminals [snip]… “clients are viewed as nothing but zeroes and ones on servers that can be "harvested" whenever JPMorgan or Goldman Sachs sees fit to do it, and then Tyqueesha in the back office and LaNeequa the junior auditor and Jamahl the assistant compliance manager/robosigner will be blamed,” she wrote.
Now if you add to this that the mega-thieves of capital will receive a light swat instead of the capital punishment they deserve, and then Chinese interests will buy the farmland of some of the farmers broken by these bold robberies, and the children of the broken ones will console themselves with meth and rap or “witnessing” in megachurches with rock bands before charlatans in alligator boots, and the U.S. government will use newprint money to buy the remaining food commodities as a gift to Taliban and Hamas, which will increase food prices for American consumers, then you begin to appreciate the power of intersections.
An even bigger intersection of many threads of collective madness transpired on September 11, 2001, resulting in America’s defeat by its own hand due to a single coordinated terrorist attack. A web of domino lines has plunged the country in two bottomless Muslim bogs abroad, while increasing its frantic efforts at more Islamization and more Muslims in America and its top power structure. With guns and butter at the same time and credit spigots open, the collapse of the U.S. economy and a future collapse of its currency were baked in. But entirely discretionary was the destruction of America’s most cherished liberties that had flourished for 225 years, the conversion of the state from a relatively benign one to a fascism-prone colossus, the people shuffling shoeless, beltless and bottle-less in long, docile lines through processing chutes where machines strip them naked, or elsewhere watch them from flying drones and CCTV cameras while in remote government basements computers and anonymous spooks watch their bank accounts and credit charges, and read or listen to all of their communications while re-education camps are under construction…
The hideous, all-enveloping sludge is the work of all of them: the Marxist and crypto-Marxist saboteurs; lunatic White “Progressives” with their self-flagellating S&M “diversity”; well-meaning practitioners of Socialist-Statist brain onanism (e.g. Keynesians, big welfare advocates, 95% of credentialed economists and sociologists); cynical power grabbers in labor unions and government bureaucracies; mammon-mad banksters and their captured governments; growth-mad exponents of the paper-and-bailout socialized capitalism model; the cynical, nihilist managerial class; the American Neocons drunk on Empire wine; the Theocons-Neocons drunk on sweet Jesus juice. But above all, it’s the fault of the common people.
People, at last dumb and decadent enough to be herded around at will by clever Svengalis like Obama’s packager, David Axelrod, or by practically anyone who knows something of Edward Bernays or Saul Alinsky. Seduced by goodies doled out by governments or bought on unduly cheap credit. Yielding uncritically to the media barrage of advertising, manufactured images of success and desirability, tainted news and analyses of news. Failing to smash with revulsion imposed, transparent frauds like “diversity” and multiculturalism. Consuming with gusto the latest news of Tom and Katie’s marriage and feel-good fibs from the White House or EU. Worshipping mindless celebrity drones. Neither reading nor thinking.
Over three quarters of these people in America, Canada, Denmark and Norway declare themselves Christian, as do almost 70% of Britons and Swedes, and about three fifths of Germans and Australians. Why were they not taught in their churches what Reality is, and how God’s laws may be deduced from it? The question is particularly salient for Americans, whose Christianity led them not so long ago to challenge the established order in the name of Nature’s God, and to risk their lives, fortunes and sacred honor in that challenge.
How can there be a faith that purports to connect mortals to God via a dogma it calls TRUTH, but is oblivious to a thousand truths in the reality of everyday life, visible to all who have eyes to see? Yet all major Christian denominations are in favor of the same globalist-redistributionist agenda as pushed by the Club of Crooks, Loons and Looters that alone feasts at the trough of every Western nation, with differences only in the ratio of Crooks to Loons, and the ethnicity of the Looters.
Victor Davis Hanson describes in many of his articles the unbearable barbarian frontier that his California home country has become due to an influx of feral “Hispanics,” yet the prevalent goal of all American Christian denominations is to maintain an endless stream of more barbarians, legal, illegal or “refugee”, Christian, Muslim or Communist. In the language of the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops, “We are our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers, wherever they may be. Loving our neighbor has global dimensions in a shrinking world.”
By means of this religious lunacy boosting the sabotage of the Left that wants more captured voters, and the greed of business seeking cheap labor, one quarter of all Mexicans in the world now live in the United States, and largely off the United States. So does 1.5% of the population of Somalia, thanks to the Christian import efforts alone. It’s no coincidence that Mexifornia — Hanson’s term — is technically bankrupt. Its officially-bankrupt cities have been inundated by “Hispanic” immigration, so that Whites are now 25% in bankrupt Vallejo (78% in 1970), 23% in bankrupt Stockton (58% in 1980), 19% in bankrupt San Bernardino (65% in 1970) and 0.8% in imminently-bankrupt Compton.
The Catholic archdiocese of Chicago paid in the 1980’s for Obama’s training in Alinsky socialist subversion methods, so that he could come 25 years later and force them to subsidize abortions. Christians For Obama is on Facebook, complete with this photo evidence (right) of his cleverness and their terminal idiocy.
An influential Methodist pastor, seminary professor and media pundit by the old WASP name of Ben Witherington III believes that “Jesus would be smiling” if Americans turned in their guns to their gummint. This in a country where Virginia statutes once required[8] that all who have arms bring them to the church for Sunday services. And despite solid historical evidence showing that disarmament of civilians always leads to mass murder of the people by their own government: actively as in Ottoman Turkey, Soviet Russia, Nazi Germany, China or Uganda, or passively as in Great Britain now, with a government-disarmed native Eloi majority being preyed upon by government-imported Morlock minority.
We will dwell into the ancient origin of those literally denatured Biblofallacies next time, noting for now that as 18th century America avoided them so should 21st century America. For the last hope of this last best hope of mankind is its strong Christian identification — if the compass needle be unstuck so that it no longer points to a false North.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Takuan Seiyo is a European-born American writer living in exile in Japan.
Previous posts:
The essay below is the sixth in a series by Takuan Seiyo. See the list at the bottom of this post for links to the previous installments.

Left: Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Dance at Le Moulin de la Galette, 1876
Right: George Grosz, Metropolis, 1916/17
The Bee and the Lamb
Part 6
By Takuan Seiyo
Embracing doubt once embraced
It is hard to see in history the thumbprints of the particular God of the Jews or the Redeemer of the Christian faithful. Some patterns that may be discerned over very long cycles are easier to explain as a play of the cosmic forces first intuited from Nature by the Chinese than as signs of a sentient deity refereeing the affairs of men.
But there are two exceptions. The chosenness of the Jews for every calamity that history may have in store for a people, and their survival for nearly 4000 years in order to enmesh themselves in new calamities — Socialism, “Civil Rights” [i.e. reverse racism] and Multiculti Suicide-by-Immigration portending the latest — cannot be easily explained by any random or impersonal forces. And there is only one more such extravagantly outlying phenomenon in all of history: America’s Founding Fathers.
The chance that a Washington and a Jefferson, a Franklin and a Madison, a Hancock, Henry, Wilson, Morris (Robert) and Morris (Gouverneur), Adams (Samuel) and Adams (John) and dozens of others be all in the same generation, in the same patch of land, hugely defies the odds, as any student of the distribution of human stupidity and baseness across time and space may confirm. A group of flawed men yet with such virtue, courage and intelligence as led America to independence, produced the singular Declaration and won a war with a ragtag yeoman army against the premier military power of the age, never existed before or since[1]. When one adds that the foreigners who made a major contribution to the effort — names like Lafayette, Rochambeau, Kosciuszko and Pulaski -- were of the highest, noblest, most valorous kind that their native lands have ever produced, the uniqueness of this anomaly becomes even more apparent.
To talk of their commonly shared virtue would inevitably lead to a gushing stream ever so depressing in comparison to the cesspool of pulverizing madness, mediocrity, stupidity and corruption engulfing us now. But one ought to at least brush by greatness, via Washington’s eulogy by General Henry Lee III before the two Houses of Congress on December 26, 1799. Here is some of what Lee said about his commander in the Revolutionary War and, later, President:
“Possessing a clear and penetrating mind, a strong and sound judgment, calmness and temper for deliberation… with invincible firmness and perseverance in resolutions maturely formed… drawing information from all… acting from himself, with incorruptible integrity and unvarying patriotism… his own superiority and the public confidence alike marked him as the man designed by Heaven to lead in the great political as well as military events which have distinguished the era of his life…
First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen, he was second to none in the humble and endearing scenes of private life. Pious, just, humane, temperate, and sincere; uniform, dignified, and commanding, his example was as edifying to all around him as were the effects of that example lasting. To his equals he was condescending, to his inferiors kind, and to the dear object of his affections exemplarily tender. Correct throughout, vice shuddered in his presence, and virtue always felt his fostering hand. The purity of his private character gave effulgence to his public virtues…
When our monuments shall be done away, when nations now existing shall be no more; when even our young and far-spreading empire shall have perished; still will our Washington’s glory unfaded shine, and die not, until love of virtue cease on earth, or earth itself sinks into chaos!”
The far-spreading empire will not last much longer, love of virtue has already ceased on Earth, and chaos is coming. Washington is but a devalued face on the $1 bill that will soon buy what the dime does now. But perhaps in some indeterminable future he will regain the popular admiration now accorded The One We Have Been Waiting For. Perhaps the key to regeneration will be found by adopting the beliefs and values that animated Washington and his peers, excepting such then-intractable peculiarities as slavery and the state of science and technology of an earlier age.
The Christian faith and reasoned personal philosophy of the Founders comprised religion reconciled with reason, revealed dogma tempered by empirical validation, traditional social elitism coexisting with republican liberty, American exceptionalism side by side with Europhile ecumenism, Anglo-Saxon civic culture fused to Roman personal virtue and Greek love of beauty and wisdom. They all kept Bibles on their night stands but mostly were not too keen on clergy or theology, spoke and wrote of Nature’s God, believed in moral consequences that flow from that belief, and called their honor “sacred.” Moreover they were a true elite: mostly landed gentry in all but name except for a few high burghers like Franklin and Adams, and in cognitive aptitude not in the top 10% like the current elite, but in the top 0.5%. Yet, they led lives of service to their lessers, in republican kinship and spirit of noblesse oblige[2].
Washington and Franklin were both prominent Freemasons and Deists. Hancock, Revere and Henry were active Masons, with some evidence that Jefferson, Madison and Robert Morris were too. Jefferson, Madison, Ethan Allen and others were Deists, but all that did not imply hostility to Christianity. Almost all these men were churchgoing Anglican/ Episcopalian or Presbyterian/Congregationalist, yet they were also stalwarts of the Age of Reason who had unpacked from Christianity, at least for their own consumption, the tinfoil, goldfoil, alchemy (transfiguration), purchase incentives and penalties for withdrawal, as had their philosopher-teachers of the English and Scottish Enlightenment and, in Jefferson’s case, the French too.
Deism, a religious philosophy that has early Greek antecedents and that flourished in late 17th century England and mid-18th century America, was a reason-based creedal system that inferred the truth about God and man from Nature. It is generally posited that Deists rejected the God of the Bible and all organized religion as such, but that is not quite so. Theirs was an American amalgam “distinctly Christian both in tone and deed,” as Herbert M. Morais stated in one of the few authoritative works on this subject[3]. Such Christian Deism manifested also in Europe, for instance in the German poetry of Friedrich Hölderlin, an alumnus of a Lutheran seminary and, like the Estonian poet with whom we began this exploration, a romantic whose tragic love ended with a long journey on foot and then years of quiet madness in seclusion, followed by oblivion that decades after his death turned to fame and popular reverence.
Perhaps Gregg Frazer’s notion of “theistic rationalism” comes closest to capturing the unique and currently extinct flavor of the Founding Fathers’ faith. Frazer, professor of history at Master’s College, lists Gouverneur Morris, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and James Wilson among the rational theists: neither Deist nor by-the-book Christian, but each with a personal blend of natural religion, Protestant Christianity, and rationalism.
“For theistic rationalists,” writes Frazer in “Gouverneur Morris, Theistic Rationalist”, “reason determined what should be accepted as revelation from God. Unlike deists, theistic rationalists accepted the notion of revelation from God; unlike Christians, they felt free to pick apart the Bible and to consider only the parts which they determined to be rational to be legitimate divine revelation. They similarly felt free to define God according to the dictates of their own reason and to reject Christian doctrines which did not seem to them to be rational.”
Gouverneur Morris (1752 —1816), the main subject of Frazer’s paper, was one of the most brilliant members of this brilliant group of America’s founders, and perhaps principal among the authors of its Constitution. An aristocratic elitist and regular Episcopalian for social more than religious reasons, Morris disdained the superstitions of Catholicism and the harshness of Calvinism — a disdain probably reciprocated, given Morris’s reputation as a prolific, intercontinental fornicator. He nevertheless worked tirelessly for tolerance among the various Christian creeds, particularly in opposing various anti-Catholic measures in his state of New York. He disdained pacifism but defended the Quakers’ right to follow their conscience and opposed religious tests for public office.
Frazer has found 40 references to God in Morris’s writings, but only two to Jesus. This parallels other Theistic Rationalists and Deists. They lived too close in time to the rivers of blood spilled in Europe’s Thirty Year’s War in the name of the Prince of Peace. Although that war had ended in 1648, the strife between Catholics and Protestants continued. Besides, the tale of that war’s horrors was an immigrant grandfather’s yarn that many a mid-18th century American heard while growing up. Revulsion had set in.
George Washington, famously, though attending Sunday service at Christ Church when in Philadelphia, did not take communion and was never known to kneel except in the field, in solitary prayer before battle. But Franklin’s spiritual makeup may be more indicative, because he was more the quintessential, self-made American than the patrician Washington. From failed printer’s apprentice Franklin rose to wealthy tradesman, wise godfather of Philadelphia, founding father of the United States, the toast of France’s high society, prolific author, and a creative genius so astonishing that just to list his discoveries, inventions, new civic and social institutions sprung from his eyebrow, books and essays and the major events he greatly influenced takes up a catalog.
Franklin chafed under the Puritan atmosphere of his native city and parental home, became a Deist early on and later one of colonial America’s most prominent Masons. He described his lukewarm sentiment toward Christianity in his Autobiography, among others as "I have found Christian dogma unintelligible. Early in life I absented myself from Christian assemblies." Yet, in several places in his writings he affirmed his fate in God, Creator of the Universe, and his “Articles of Belief and Acts of Religion” includes a long prayer that wouldn’t be out of place in a church hymnal.
Even those who remained traditional and unwavering Christians preserved deep fraternal bonds with those who were not. Robert Morris, then the second most powerful man in America, was brother-in-law of the Rector of Christ Church, Bishop William White. Yet Morris was a close ally of the Mason-Deist Founding Fathers, labored to overturn Pennsylvania’s religious test laws, and was friend and patron of the Jewish co-financier (with Morris himself) of the Revolutionary War, Haym Solomon.
John Witherspoon, a Scottish Presbyterian minister and a signatory of the Declaration of Independence, stressed that his own opposition to “sacerdotal tyranny” had led him to support religious freedom. Samuel Adams, called “Last of the Puritans,” was a strict-by-the-book fundamentalist Christian, much given to prayer and Bible devotion, yet he was a close associate of Freemasons like Hancock and Revere. His polemical exchange of letters with Thomas Paine
about the nature of God and proper Christianity shows the opposite poles of religious attitudes of these men united by a limited but specifically Christian common denominator for a common cause.
It was Samuel Adams who defined that common denominator in 1772, in words later reverberating in the Declaration of Independence. In “The Rights of the Colonists; The Report of the Committee of Correspondence to the Boston Town Meeting”, he opened the first section with the words:
“Among the natural rights of the Colonists are these: First, a right to life; Secondly, to liberty; Thirdly, to property; together with the right to support and defend them in the best manner they can.”
… and ended with:
“If men, through fear, fraud, or mistake, should in terms renounce or give up any essential natural right, the eternal law of reason and the grand end of society would absolutely vacate such renunciation. The right to freedom being the gift of God Almighty, it is not in the power of man to alienate this gift and voluntarily become a slave.”
The basic problem of Western man is that he has renounced freedom, and the other natural rights — the unalienable gift from God — because he has renounced God: the God of Nature that was a living presence for the Founders, enshrined in the Declaration of Independence. And with that surrender, he has vacated the necessary conditions for individual and societal survival.
Nature is about survival. A natural right to property cannot be inferred directly from the Gospels[4]. It can only be inferred by deducing principles from Nature’s ways and ends, and seeing Biblical God’s intent in them. In contrast, a right to life cannot be inferred from Nature, but only from the precepts articulated by Jesus Christ. Somehow, American Christianity until the end of the 19th century managed to combine the two inputs. But since then, increasingly, Christianity has lost its interest in the God of Nature, and the wisdom that inheres in Nature.
The Church — all churches but the kookiest white supremacist ones — has only three interests now. The first is postmodern socialism: the constant banging about social justice, racial justice, environmental justice, economic justice, peace, loving our brothers and sisters of the back culture or back entry, cringing, yielding and folding before the agents of entropy and barbarism. The second is temporal power. The third is the maintenance and cultivation of the fundamentalist reading of the Biblical canon, the orthodoxies of the Nicene Creed and, especially for Catholics, various ritualistic superstitions —all of which were rejected already 250 years ago by the one generation in history in which the hand of God may most clearly be discerned.
Something has gone wrong with a Christianity that confers no immunity on its adherents against transcendence-denying lunacy flowing from the secular, hostile Western elite through its tools of utopian globalist treason, pincer looting by White banksters on one side and favored racial minorities on the other, demographic sabotage via immigration, subversion of traditional morality, mockery of God’s Nature via unnatural but enshrined gender, sex and procreation practices, and metastasized state outlays and power to ram all that down the throat of the deselected white race in its quasi-Christian homelands.
The Ultimate Blasphemy
Systemic lying about Reality is the ultimate Blasphemy. It is a mortal offense against the Order of the Universe or, for the believer, God. Reality is how God manifests. It's what God does for a living.
When a society lies about the basic nature of man, and the rules by which a community of people may be wholesomely constructed, and about the true nature of its government and its laws, and about basic economic truths, and it lies further about its own history and the history of other peoples, and it lies by elevating the purported goodness of the savage and poor versus its own self-imputed badness, and it lies about the miserable outcome of its practice of all those lies, and it brings up its young to believe in those lies, and consistently persecutes those who challenge the lies — that is an aggravated blasphemy.
It makes no difference if God may be more correctly described using Norbert Wiener’s concepts of a self-correcting homeostatic feedback loop than by using the concepts of the Bible. It makes no difference if the consequence of massive, systemic blasphemy is Yahweh lashing out in outrage, or the cosmic recursive loop twisting violently to crush the toxic barnacles and so restore its own balance. What matters is that a mortal offense against Reality has its consequence, mort (i.e. death), hitched inseparably to the transgression.
The apocalypse toward which the West is hurtling is not in some future twitch of the divine scepter. It has begun everywhere, now, in human reality. Though it may take from one to ten decades before the big cave-in, the walls are quaking — all of them, now, as they have been since the 1980s[5]. There are several biogenic crises coasting toward their exponential phase. With Earth’s population projected at 10 billion in 2100, the computational wizard Stephen Emmott plugs that into models that show a resulting pollution of the atmosphere and the sea, raising temperatures, loss of biodiversity and, ultimately a destruction of what Emmott calls “Earth’s life support systems.” Kaput, y’all.
It’s no laughing matter, either. All the anthropogenic global warming hoax on one scale and, on the other, a visit to the soot-spewing industrial Chinese or Indian hinterland, or to an African forest stripped bare for food and tinder, and one has to tip the scale for the pessimists. The question is what to do about it.
The unhinged Green Left and bleeding heart Christians see the answer in an economic and industrial self-evisceration of the West. That includes Emmott and the various Oxbridge/Ivy League crypto-Marxists thick on the ground in Brussels and surrounding B. Hussein Obama in Washington. They care little about the fate of the Pacific smelt. What they do care about is that America be cut at the knees, in every possible way, along with other colonialist, imperialist, racist whitey, and that the resulting “savings” be transferred to the “historically exploited.”
With practically all the population and ecology problems situated in Third World countries, and the solutions being sought in First World countries, it’s the social and ideological malignancies in the West that have to be resolved, before the biogenic ones can be, elsewhere. There are now at least eighteen synchronized wave-patterns of such socio-cultural malignancies:
1. | Hollowing out of the economy and of national (and personal) sovereignty via the globalist caper and the American-style consumer-on-credit economy; |
2. | Raising from the near-dead a hostile Frankenstein, China, as a linchpin of the globalist scheme; |
3. | Fiscal pulverization via exploding government outlay commitments and debt piled onto confiscatory taxation; |
4. | Monetary implosion via institutionalized bankster fraud and governmental collusion to save the malefactors at the expense of the little people; |
5. | The torching of social trust, physical security and public outlay budgets via globally open immigration; |
6. | Forced pumping of Islam and its carriers into the Western edifice, though it’s the most toxic substance the West has known, and for the longest, in its history; |
7. | Conversion of formerly cultured, civilized countries into no-go zones where bands of previously excluded or hunted savages prey on normal people; |
8. | Putrefaction of a culture that, still the glory of mankind just 60 years ago, is now far more imbecilic and nearly as decadent as Rome’s was at its worst; |
9. | Purposeful conversion of education into an egalitarian assembly line spewing out dumb, ignorant, hedonistic serfs, imprinted with the rulers’ operating code and brimming with self-esteem but loathing for their historical polity and for genuine achievement; |
10. | Capitulation before the base, moronic, vulgar, uncivil social strata in each country, giving them the street, the fashion, the vote, the TV and film screens and all other mass media; |
11. | Empowering, indeed enthroning the young and stupid as the rulers of the marketplaces of goods, ideas, cultural trends and votes, while ignoring and disrespecting the older and wiser; |
12. | Universal lowering of competence, responsibility and civic virtue in all branches of the government and all public services due to Affirmative Action, racial norming, “disparate impact” and, in the case of White electorate’s voting for manifestly corrupt and incompetent politicians “of color,” widespread sentimental stupidity; |
13. | Destruction of the family and an advanced effort to destroy Nature’s distinct genders, starting with the absurd campaign of denial of sexual dimorphism and its respective limitations. |
14. | Atrophy of all moral restraints and all loyalty but to self: turning bankers into buccaneers, lawyers into hyenas, legislators into whores, corporate executives into con-men, journalists into phone hackers, rappers and hoopsters as the aristocracy, mafia wives on teevee, celebrity replacing fame, cleverness replacing wisdom, priests, school teachers and sports coaches raping their young charges, little children as sex objects, bestiality on video, porn as a major industry, and, as of late, cannibalism too; |
15. | Death of democracy by voiding, replacing, diluting, manipulating and fraudulently inducing citizens' votes, or taking the most important decisions out of the citizens’ purview — or even knowledge — altogether. Governance in the West is really a giant Progressive experiment undertaken unilaterally by self-selected elites, no serf opinions required, thank you. |
16. | Creeping fascism under the guise of nondiscriminative public safety, with hi-tech snooping, mass-humiliation and harassment of the traveling public, drones in the sky, miniature cameras everywhere, planned re-education camps, planned seizure of communication channels, and a general voiding of constitutional rights of due process, assembly, dissent and free speech, with perpetual tunneling under the right to bear arms; |
17. | Going down fighting — fighting a string of failed wars fought wrongly (Vietnam, Afghanistan), or against the wrong enemy (Serbia, Kosovo), or on a fool’s errand (Iraq, Somalia), with futile building of hostile nations on the back of the American taxpayer, accoutered with lunatic diplomacy actively pulling down friends and helping enemies (Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Palestine); |
18. | Voiding the possibility of a corrective feedback process by persecuting critics of the demographic-ethnic aspects of the Descent, with thought crimes and “racism” witch hunts, while deliberately ignoring expert critics of the economic-fiscal and cultural road of descent. |
But it’s not the earthquake that matters. What matters is that when the successive seismic waves hit, the foundation of the edifice was revealed — and it was made of jelly, of lies pumped into the substrata by the ruling elites for 50 years, gradually replacing the concrete rebar that used to be there.
No massage of words, concepts and even numbers known to the Stalin-era editors of Pravda (e.g. Nikolai Bukharin) has been lost on the leadership caste of the officially democratic West. Islam is the Religion of Peace. The global war is “against Terror.” Putting the Muslim Brotherhood in power across North Africa is “Arab Spring.” Diversity is Strength. Voting for lower taxes is “Racism.” Stealing the savings and fixed income of America’s middle class is “Quantitative Easing.” Shipping their jobs to China is “The Service Economy.” Morgan Freeman is POTUS-for-life except when he is God, or when Will Smith saves Planet Earth or Demi Moore leads Navy SEALs in combat. No Child Left Behind. Obama will bring us together.
Moreover, the blatant contempt for Reality, for Nature — and therefore for God — has continued despite recurring catastrophic results, for decades. When revealed, the swaths of self-wrought destruction are merely papered over with more lies, and the game continues. It’s as though the Eveready bunny at the top is waddling with its tin drum, and it won’t stop until the battery runs out.
The battery will run out, with large consequences for the future of mankind. Indeed, observing Western society in its throes is like looking at a poor little ant, its head torn off, the body staggering in circles, trying to make sense of Reality without the organ it needs for perceiving it. This can be perhaps more readily understood in the context of a simple life and death situation: war.
NATO soldiers are running around Kandahar looking for terrorists and vying for the “courageous restraint” award that can be won by not firing their weapons when their lives are at risk. And that’s after their commanders have doubled that risk by forcing them to patrol enemy territory with unloaded weapons. Meanwhile, NATO governments import the cousins of the terrorists whom NATO soldiers may not shoot, so that they can rape and blow up the soldiers’ kin back home.
Behold, furthermore, the latest soft-cone projectiles in America’s combat arsenal. Already in June 1991, Marine General Robert H. Barrow implored the U.S. Senate not to push women into combat roles. He laid out the plain truth that there is no military need for women in combat, and combat is not about achieving equality but killing effectively. He outlined the disastrous hobbling of that effectiveness that the admission of women would entail. All for naught, as America’s ruling elite has no interest in such mundane trifles as what makes soldiers prevail in the carnage of combat. If Obama is re-elected, relays a new book by Aaron Klein, Fool Me Twice, the U.S. military is to be transformed into a social work organization deployed to combat “global warming,” global poverty and “injustice,” and to serve as an arm of the United Nations.
Consider the self-evident rubbish of the “strength in diversity” bromide. It would take 35 years of this miserable mental masturbation until Angela Merkel announced in 2010 that multiculturalism had failed in Germany, followed by such statements from Nicolas Sarkozy in France and David Cameron in Great Britain. And still, “diversity” and its enforcement continues to be a paramount goal of the European Commission and “United in Diversity” is still the motto of the European Union. All that when historical evidence shows dozens of nations that crumbled because of diversity: from Assyria to Austro-Hungary, from Cyprus to Czechoslovakia, from Rome to Rwanda.
In the United States, every cog and wheel of the government and of corporate and public institutions turns to further “diversity,” every day. “President Obama Signs Executive Order to Promote Diversity and Inclusion in the Federal Workforce, Initiative designed to draw on the talents of all parts of our society” reads one agitprop from a stream of nouveau Marxist hooey that emanates daily from every government office in the land. But parts of society don’t have talents. Individuals have talents, and talented individuals are assiduously cultivated, scouted, helped and promoted in America already -- especially if they come from parts of society that were subject to past discrimination.
Something else is happening here. The rulers are not rewarding talent but membership in favored identity groups, primarily black, brown and female. To tweak just slightly Karl Marx’s central idea, the Diversity/Inclusion gambit changes society’s pattern from “Each employed according to his ability” to “Each favored minority person employed according to his need.” However, packing the state apparatus with favored minority groups is not an innocent exercise in “diversity” but a suicidal hobble in an international reality where the race goes to the ablest, in everything. It is, ultimately, a mortal offense, a recipe for failure and erasure from the pages of history.

Illustration from a 1942 comic book, Is This Tomorrow: America Under Communism, projecting how easy it would be for the Soviets to take over the United States [more panels here. The Bolsheviks are kaput, but the Far Left took over anyway.
Consider geopolitics. Already in 1993, Harvard historian Samuel Huntington published and article in Foreign Affairs that he later expanded into a widely read book issued in 1996, Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order. Among others, Huntington argued that profound cultural differences doom to failure any attempts of the West to export its values and political structures to the East.
Now, even if that half of Washington D.C. that matters had not read the book, everybody who is anybody in U.S. foreign relations reads Foreign Affairs. Yet America’s foreign policy establishment continues in its prolonged effort to impose democracy in Muslim lands in North Africa and elsewhere, with the consequence of boosting totalitarian and hostile Islam. Obstinately clueless, America is likewise committed to making laughingstock of itself by sending a succession of female emissaries to Muslim lands: Madeleine Albright, Condoleezza Rice, Karen Hughes, Hillary Clinton. The latter has been greeted recently in Egypt with crowds chanting “Monica, Monica” and pelting Madam Secretary with shoes and tomatoes[6].
A tide of lies has drowned everything. Government unemployment figures exclude the permanently unemployed. Government core inflation figures exclude the cost of food and energy. GNP “growth” figures treat government output the same as private sector output, and the porn industry the same as the steel industry. M3, the broadest indicator of money supply, is no longer reported by the U.S. Fed, because it indicates the explosion in money supply too well. Obamacare is touted before the law’s passage as a great saving for America’s middle class, but admitted as picking their pockets after the law’s passage[7]. Photos and video footage of violent criminals in Scandinavia are photoshopped to disguise the brown skin tones and facial features of the perps. The Los Angeles Times’ crime section now reports the victims’ personal details instead of the criminals’ — the old way of reporting yielding results that were, shall we say, too racist. The most prestigious names on Wall Street and in the City (London) have engaged for decades in the biggest fraud of all time by consistently mispricing and misrepresenting risk and its bearing on the value of their transactions. The entire Western educational establishment has bamboozled generations of it students with lies that race is a social construct, we are all born an equal tabula rasa, Whites are uniquely wicked, and it’s only their racism and selfishness that has prevented some from reaching their “full” (and equal) potential.
Things get really interesting when you start crossing the threads of dysfunction. Writing in her blog on July 9th about the second mega-fraud in the commodities and foreign currency brokerage business — the theft of at least $220 million of customers’ funds on deposit at PFGBest nine months after disclosure of $1.5 billion missing from John Corzine’s MF Global — Ann Barnhardt, a pro in this business, described the U.S. regulatory system overseeing the futures industry as “an evil, despicable mafia, administered by politicking psychopaths on the take, and staffed by affirmative action hires to provide plausible deniability.”
“The NFA, CFTC, SEC and the CME,” wrote Barnhardt, “are lying, thieving psychopathic criminals [snip]… “clients are viewed as nothing but zeroes and ones on servers that can be "harvested" whenever JPMorgan or Goldman Sachs sees fit to do it, and then Tyqueesha in the back office and LaNeequa the junior auditor and Jamahl the assistant compliance manager/robosigner will be blamed,” she wrote.
Now if you add to this that the mega-thieves of capital will receive a light swat instead of the capital punishment they deserve, and then Chinese interests will buy the farmland of some of the farmers broken by these bold robberies, and the children of the broken ones will console themselves with meth and rap or “witnessing” in megachurches with rock bands before charlatans in alligator boots, and the U.S. government will use newprint money to buy the remaining food commodities as a gift to Taliban and Hamas, which will increase food prices for American consumers, then you begin to appreciate the power of intersections.
An even bigger intersection of many threads of collective madness transpired on September 11, 2001, resulting in America’s defeat by its own hand due to a single coordinated terrorist attack. A web of domino lines has plunged the country in two bottomless Muslim bogs abroad, while increasing its frantic efforts at more Islamization and more Muslims in America and its top power structure. With guns and butter at the same time and credit spigots open, the collapse of the U.S. economy and a future collapse of its currency were baked in. But entirely discretionary was the destruction of America’s most cherished liberties that had flourished for 225 years, the conversion of the state from a relatively benign one to a fascism-prone colossus, the people shuffling shoeless, beltless and bottle-less in long, docile lines through processing chutes where machines strip them naked, or elsewhere watch them from flying drones and CCTV cameras while in remote government basements computers and anonymous spooks watch their bank accounts and credit charges, and read or listen to all of their communications while re-education camps are under construction…
The hideous, all-enveloping sludge is the work of all of them: the Marxist and crypto-Marxist saboteurs; lunatic White “Progressives” with their self-flagellating S&M “diversity”; well-meaning practitioners of Socialist-Statist brain onanism (e.g. Keynesians, big welfare advocates, 95% of credentialed economists and sociologists); cynical power grabbers in labor unions and government bureaucracies; mammon-mad banksters and their captured governments; growth-mad exponents of the paper-and-bailout socialized capitalism model; the cynical, nihilist managerial class; the American Neocons drunk on Empire wine; the Theocons-Neocons drunk on sweet Jesus juice. But above all, it’s the fault of the common people.
People, at last dumb and decadent enough to be herded around at will by clever Svengalis like Obama’s packager, David Axelrod, or by practically anyone who knows something of Edward Bernays or Saul Alinsky. Seduced by goodies doled out by governments or bought on unduly cheap credit. Yielding uncritically to the media barrage of advertising, manufactured images of success and desirability, tainted news and analyses of news. Failing to smash with revulsion imposed, transparent frauds like “diversity” and multiculturalism. Consuming with gusto the latest news of Tom and Katie’s marriage and feel-good fibs from the White House or EU. Worshipping mindless celebrity drones. Neither reading nor thinking.
Over three quarters of these people in America, Canada, Denmark and Norway declare themselves Christian, as do almost 70% of Britons and Swedes, and about three fifths of Germans and Australians. Why were they not taught in their churches what Reality is, and how God’s laws may be deduced from it? The question is particularly salient for Americans, whose Christianity led them not so long ago to challenge the established order in the name of Nature’s God, and to risk their lives, fortunes and sacred honor in that challenge.
How can there be a faith that purports to connect mortals to God via a dogma it calls TRUTH, but is oblivious to a thousand truths in the reality of everyday life, visible to all who have eyes to see? Yet all major Christian denominations are in favor of the same globalist-redistributionist agenda as pushed by the Club of Crooks, Loons and Looters that alone feasts at the trough of every Western nation, with differences only in the ratio of Crooks to Loons, and the ethnicity of the Looters.
Victor Davis Hanson describes in many of his articles the unbearable barbarian frontier that his California home country has become due to an influx of feral “Hispanics,” yet the prevalent goal of all American Christian denominations is to maintain an endless stream of more barbarians, legal, illegal or “refugee”, Christian, Muslim or Communist. In the language of the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops, “We are our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers, wherever they may be. Loving our neighbor has global dimensions in a shrinking world.”
By means of this religious lunacy boosting the sabotage of the Left that wants more captured voters, and the greed of business seeking cheap labor, one quarter of all Mexicans in the world now live in the United States, and largely off the United States. So does 1.5% of the population of Somalia, thanks to the Christian import efforts alone. It’s no coincidence that Mexifornia — Hanson’s term — is technically bankrupt. Its officially-bankrupt cities have been inundated by “Hispanic” immigration, so that Whites are now 25% in bankrupt Vallejo (78% in 1970), 23% in bankrupt Stockton (58% in 1980), 19% in bankrupt San Bernardino (65% in 1970) and 0.8% in imminently-bankrupt Compton.

An influential Methodist pastor, seminary professor and media pundit by the old WASP name of Ben Witherington III believes that “Jesus would be smiling” if Americans turned in their guns to their gummint. This in a country where Virginia statutes once required[8] that all who have arms bring them to the church for Sunday services. And despite solid historical evidence showing that disarmament of civilians always leads to mass murder of the people by their own government: actively as in Ottoman Turkey, Soviet Russia, Nazi Germany, China or Uganda, or passively as in Great Britain now, with a government-disarmed native Eloi majority being preyed upon by government-imported Morlock minority.
We will dwell into the ancient origin of those literally denatured Biblofallacies next time, noting for now that as 18th century America avoided them so should 21st century America. For the last hope of this last best hope of mankind is its strong Christian identification — if the compass needle be unstuck so that it no longer points to a false North.
About the paintings
The two paintings adorning this page were produced in Europe just 40 years and one border apart from each other, yet they portray entirely different levels of the basic order of life.
Auguste Renoir (1841—1919) was the painter of happiness. Many of his paintings show families and friends sharing cheerful moments rendered in soft light and gay[9] colors. “Dance at Le Moulin de la Galette” depicts a Sunday afternoon at a popular amusement spot for regular Parisians in 1876. I chose this painting to symbolize simple, organic happiness. Not the bliss of utopia, for France had just lost the Franco-Prussian war in which the very owner of this windmill-bakery-dance garden was killed by Prussian soldiers and nailed to the spars of the windmill. But it was still a world in which the natural order stood, people shared countries with kin people, and a Christian-elitist culture still permeated, though both strict religion and aristocracy had waned.
Georg Grosz (1893 — 1959) was a German painter famous for his savage caricatures of life in Germany in the 1910s-20s. Grosz was a communist idealist and saw humanity mainly as depraved and the German people as a medley of greedy profiteers, war-crippled curs, war-demented Prussian officers, whores and perverts.
Metropolis is Grosz’s vision of Berlin at the apex of World War I, with enormous numbers of German casualties returning from the front, African empire lost, withdrawal to Siegfried Line, deprivation of the civilian population and, with America’s entry into the war from the west and the Russian Revolution exploding in the east, the beginning of the end for life as it had been known. Painted almost entirely in red, it’s an apocalyptic panorama of alienated men thrashing in a frenzied city destroyed by material shortages, desperation, brutal struggle for survival, loss of civic virtues and loss of hope.
I have chosen this painting to symbolize the Lamb part of the equation, because it portrays the end destination not only of an obsessively rigid and nationalist culture but also of a civilization governed by rigidly eschatological dogmatics fanatically devoted to blocking out Reality and making sacrificial lambs of men.
1. | We will not get stuck here with the multiculti Left’s favorite trick of bringing up not only the slavery issue but the personal imperfections of each of the Founders. Usually, the people who bring up Franklin’s neglect of his wife, or Jefferson’s perpetual indebtedness, or Morris’s jumping butt-naked from the window of a married woman, insulted their mother that day before breakfast, sodomized a transvestite minor a few hours before, and helped a Muslim or MS-13 monster evade deportation a day earlier. |
2. | This is by necessity a superficial account of the American Revolutionary Period, or just the Founding Fathers, or even just the religion of the Founding Fathers. Each one of these may be subdivided into further categories, and in each category thousands of books and scholarly papers and PhD dissertations have been written. |
3. | Herbert M. Morais, “Deism in Revolutionary America (1763-89)”, International Journal of Ethics 42:4, University of Chicago, July 1932, pp. 436-442, 452. |
4. | Jefferson substituted “pursuit of happiness” in the Lockean triad of “life, liberty, property.” However, the phrase “among which” that precedes the three enumerated rights indicates that there are additional such rights. In Jefferson’s generation the understanding of property as an unalienable right was pervasive, as was John Locke's entire theory of government. “Property” is included in the quote from Samuel Adams cited in the text above, and Jefferson himself invoked the “life, liberty, property” triad several times in his writings. |
5. | This is arbitrary, and the choice of an American chronology only is just a space/time necessity. Every Western country differs in the relevant details and dates, but the trend and its components are the same, if in different proportions. The 80s are a viable peg for tracing the beginning of the collapse because, culturally and morally it started from the launch of MTV Networks in 1981, geopolitically from the tragic end of the International Peacekeeping Force in Lebanon in October 1983, demographically a major self-inflicted wound occurred with the 1986 Amnesty, and derivatives were first shown to be weapons of financial mass destruction on Black Monday in October 1987. While different pegs are possible, the unquestionable beginning of America’s descent was on November 22, 1963 -- the day Lyndon B. Johnson was sworn in as United States President. |
6. | True to type, in the matter of the risible boomerang called “Arab Spring,” the U.S. State Department has for the first time deleted the sections covering religious freedom from its May 2012 Country Reports on Human Rights. These reports cover the period of the Arab Spring and its aftermath. |
7. | An important weapon in the arsenal of the Obama cabinet and Obamacare proponents in 2009, before the law was passed, was the work of MIT economist Jonathan Gruber. Gruber vouchsafed that the scheme would result in large savings in healthcare premiums, ranging from 13% to 31%. After the law passed, his consultant fee pocketed, Gruber began advising that there would be large increases in premiums as a result of this law, ranging from 19% to 30%. |
8. | Clayton Cramer, Gun Control in the Middle & Southern Colonies |
9. | It’s time to spring the much-missed adjective, “gay” from its captivity in the Dark Side’s dungeon. |
Takuan Seiyo is a European-born American writer living in exile in Japan.
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